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October 21, 2009


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What a gorgeous way to look back in years to come and remember all the small details about your beautiful little man!

PS can i smell a coffee coming soon??

Jeannette Mariae

He is so beautiful. Happy birthday. Love JM, DK ;-)


Awww...Happy Birthday!


This sweet little face is just the sunshine I needed on this rainy and cold morning. Happy Birthday little Z!

Furniture Stores

What a charmer...and love his hair. Too adorable...


Happy Birthday to you!


He is so beautiful. Happy birthday, little love.

Paula O'Hara

I remember when i first joined flickr and yours was one of the first photostreams I found. I was fascinated because your little man was the same age as my girl and I had just started my journey with the camera. You were doing a 365 days project which was just so inspiring. He just gets more beautiful. Happy Birthday Ziggy. x

theresa/ t does wool

Happy Birthday sweet Ziggy...2 years...what a lovely age...so full of life.
And blessings to you mom! xoxo


Sweet sweet boy, he sounds amazing and looks gorgeous... must be such a treat... happy days..


Happy, happy birthday to your sweet boy.


Happy BDay, little big boy!))


Happy birthday little boy. And remember to always hug and kiss mama


congrats little man!!


Aww what stunning photos!Happy birthday!

Lindy in Australia



Such beautiful things to savour!

donna goodt

happy happy birthday!


Happy birthday cutie, and many many more moments for all family to cherish <3


Happy belated birthday Ziggy! How can such a sweet boy not be a joy?


Happy Bealted BDay little man!

I'd probably live off grapes if I could. They're my absolute favourite. He sounds like quite the charmer.


My goodness, your son is simply ADORABLE. Happy birthday little man.

A reader

My God, you have beautiful children!! I always thought my three were the most beautiful on the planet, but yours give mine a run for the money...

Thanks for sharing such scrumptiousness.

Nirmala Patil

Hi Michelle,

Let me introduce myself first. I am Nirmala Patil from India. Having started my own flickr recently, I came across your flickr account that lead me here; to your blog. I just wanted you to know that everything about you has truly impressed me…your write-ups, photographs, your thoughts…I have learnt a lot from you, even without any direct contact between us yet. Many thanks for inspiring me immensely.
This is the link to my blog:
I have just started it, so please do not expect much. Nevertheless, it will be a pleasure to have you come visiting. You will find that I have duly credited you for all your influence on me.
Take care
God bless
Thanks and cheers,


Congrats with your son!

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  • Thanks for stopping by. I'm Michelle, and I live on the glorious north west coast of Tasmania, Australia. I am a photographer, designer, maker, knitter, and mama to six amazingly beautiful and talented children. Welcome to my space, a place where I share the things I am passionate about - my photographs, my crafts, my thoughts, my inspirations and my family.


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