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June 09, 2009


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There is a reason grey is often used as a paint backdrop in art galleries for paintings to be shown against - because it shows up any colour against it in a much more true fashion than whites. And therein lies the beauty of greys for me. That they in themselves are a collection of colours mixed, and that other colours against them can sing and have a voice. Best wishes for the markets - and lots of energy for you :)


Best wishes for the market, that sounds like a great idea. I wish that I could pop over to visit your stall! The photography project is interesting. I need to do something like that!

theresa/t does wool

the shades of gray are marvelous beauties...and your creations for the market will surely be desired by all...best of luck...and lots of love xx


So glad to see you back, sharing your thoughts and crafty endeavours. You will be such a success at the markets...looking forward to hearing all about it!


lovely grey collection. i love grey. in all its manifestations.

best of luck with the preparations. :)


I'm sure you'll do just fine on the marktet. Your quality in pictures will surely reflect on your other work too. Therefor I'll suspect you'll be sold out very quickly. If everyone has the same taste in things as I have, i'm sure!


It's so right that sometimes we seem to see without actually looking and taking notice. It's wonderful to uncover things you hadn't noticed before.
Good luck with the market preparations!


It's always so warming to stop for a moment and notice the beauty in the ordinary! Thank you for your lovely post.

All the best at the mother's market, I hope it's wonderful FUN!

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  • Thanks for stopping by. I'm Michelle, and I live on the glorious north west coast of Tasmania, Australia. I am a photographer, designer, maker, knitter, and mama to six amazingly beautiful and talented children. Welcome to my space, a place where I share the things I am passionate about - my photographs, my crafts, my thoughts, my inspirations and my family.


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