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February 25, 2009


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theresa/t does wool

I wanted to be your first customer...I will anxiously await my little parcel!! Good luck xx


Good luck Michelle!! your etsy page is lovely!! wishing you the best! xo Kelly


Hey congrats on the etsy shop. Where do you find the time to do all that and make the product. In your sleep???!!!


I went to have a look and you've sold out – congrats!


Can't wait to see what is up for sale next!


oh no!!! i missed it! I was too slow. Just read this today. Hope you post more very soon.


Thats great selling all your beautiful stuff!!!
thanks for sending warmth xx :)


Good luck with your etsy store hon, I am sure you do incredibly well!

Jeannette Mariae

I would love to buy som crochet stones, they are so lovely. Are you going to sell stones again? Jeannette Mariae, DK

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  • Thanks for stopping by. I'm Michelle, and I live on the glorious north west coast of Tasmania, Australia. I am a photographer, designer, maker, knitter, and mama to six amazingly beautiful and talented children. Welcome to my space, a place where I share the things I am passionate about - my photographs, my crafts, my thoughts, my inspirations and my family.


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